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Hamster Links

Hamster Land recommends
 following links:
  • Absolute Hamster - General information about various breeds and care.
  • Aliz's Hamster Page - A hamster page with stories, hamster pictures, links, and information on taking care of hamsters.
  • The alt.pets.hamsters FAQ - Answers questions; contains hamster trivia and links. Compiled and maintained by Glen Gower.
  • Caring for Hamsters - Provides information on health, care, feeding, handling, breeding, genetics and toys.
  • Christi's Critters - This site contains wide varieties of information concerning the care, health, feeding, and housing of Guinea Pigs and Hamsters.
  • Complete Guide to Hamsters - Information on hamster breeds, buying a hamster, care, handling, homemade toys, and photo gallery.
  • Dylan Menagerie - Home of the Hamster Mailing List. Also has many hamster and dwarf hamster pictures and links.
  • Furryland - Contains information and comparision between different hamster types, pictures and links.
  • Hammie Home - Photos of KoKo, Kayda, and other hamsters. Also includes general hamster information.
  • Hammie Land - Offers information about owning hamsters, products, links, graphics, and photos.
  • The Hammy House - This site has very helpful hamster information such as how to tame, care and what to feed your hamster
  • Hammyland - Contains information, tips, FAQ, and hamster memorial.
  • Hampster Dance 2 - Witness the original dancing hamsters.
  • Hamster And Guinea Pig World - Learn how to potty train hamsters! New message board and polls.
  • Hamster Care Guide - Information on hamster care with sections on selection, housing, feeding, breeding, health, and showing. Created by the Hamster Fanciers of America club.
  • Hamster Central - Offers information about how to care for hamsters as well as hamster contests and links.
  • Hamster Code - Usenet code for hamsters.
  • Hamster Hideout - Hamster bios, information, games, and you can get a free @hamsterhideout.com email address!
  • Hamster House - Photos and information about caring for hamsters, shows, and message board.
  • Hamster Land - General hamster information including cages for hamsters, what and how to feed your hamster, breeding hamsters, hamster history, and what to do when your hamster is sick and a virtual hamster.
  • Hamster Lovers - Contains information on how to take care of your Syrian Hamster.
  • Hamster Memories Zone - Provides information about hamster care, housing, feeding and also contains pictures, stories and links.
  • Hamster Page - Small collection of hamster resources available on the internet.
  • The Hamster Site - Contains information about care, feeding, breeding,health, choosing a hamster, as well as pictures.
  • Hamster Tales - Stories about hamsters.
  • Hamster Tales - Pictures and information on four species.
  • Hamster Tunnel - Devoted to promoting and encouraging the ethical and humane way of raising and caring for healthy captive hamsters.
  • Hamster World - Offers tips about hamster care and breeding as well as pictures, polls, and links.
  • Hamster World - Includes forum, hamster gallery, webcam and information on care and breeding.
  • Hamster World - Site designed to inform the public on the proper care and handling of hamsters.
  • HamsterCam - Offers live streaming hamster cameras, pictures, e-cards, and links.
  • Hamsterific Hamster Site - Learn about Dwarf Russian, Siberian, and Roborovski hamsters. Includes photos, a glossary, and information on caring for these pets.
  • Hamsters Galore - Contains information about handling, caring, buying, healthcare, and breeding of hamsters.
  • HamstersClub - Offers information regarding health care, feeding, and breeding.
  • HamstersRus - Contains hamster stories, jokes, information, pictures, mailing list and links.
  • HamsterWeb - A complete site with information on caring, feeding, and choosing habitiats for hamsters. You can even order products online.
  • Hamstery.com - Contains information regarding hamster care, breeding, and links.
  • Happy Hamsters - Home of the Hammy of the Month award.
  • Harvey the Wonder Hamster - Short stories and poems about Harvey the Wonder Hamster. Written by Brandon Lloyd who passed away in 1997 at the age of 13.
  • Helen's Hamsters - Description of Helen's collection of hamster-related items and information about care.
  • H4Hamster - A hamster hobbyist personal page with information and pictures on various kinds of hamsters.
  • Itchy And Scratchy - Hamsters from Singapore share their photos. Includes tips, links and shop references.
  • Jackie the Hamster - Action shots of Jackie the Hamster on release from the children's nursery.
  • Jak's World Of Hamsters - Information about hamsters that is seldom found on the internet.
  • Junior - Information about Junior, the Syrian hamster.
  • Kaytee Hamsters - Contains information on the care of your hamster, including information on nutrition, health, habitat and food.
  • Louie's Hamsite - From the hamster perspective. Includes photos, with information about health, housing, food.
  • Minx Hamstery and Minx Linx - Dedicated to the joys of keeping, breeding, and showing hamsters. Pictures, information on handling, taming, and breeding your hamster. Linx section devoted to all hamster links.
  • My Syrian Hamsters - Pictures of six Syrian hamsters and their babies, along with breeding information.
  • National Association for the Advancement of Cute Hamsters - Care information and tips on feeding, housing, health, and taming.
  • National Hamster Council - Provides information on organization as well as hamster care, shows and competition, clubs, stories, photos, and forum.
  • Neiko's Hamster Heaven - The story of Neiko and Rei Templeton. Includes hamster care information and pictures.
  • PetsHub.com Hamsters - Information about care and resources.
  • Punk Hamster - Offers helpful resources for buying and caring for your hamster.
  • Ralph and Hamsters - Provides hamster pictures and information about hamster care.
  • Realm to Hamsters - Offers information about choosing a hamster, feeding, housing, caring, and breeding.
  • Roland 's Hamster Homepage - Tips and tricks, bedding information, facts, hamster colors, and a special section on how to find a hamster escapee.
  • Teegs_2k's Hamsters - Learn how to choose, feed, care and breed hamsters.
  • VDC Hamster World Of Friends - Features hamster webcards, virtual cemetery, photos, and story gallery.


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